Our Story
The vast growth technology has increased the demand for Information Technology integration in business. As a result of this, many companies now have to hire certified IT professionals, to help them adopt the use of IT to manage, advertise and market their companies
But due to employment cost, stress, work ethic, loyalty concerns, human nature, productivity uncertainties and other related liabilities, the hiring process has become difficult for most employers to do, and this is where Dev Consultancy LLC come in!
With local knowledge and global reach, our experienced team of people are extremely passionate about providing quality support and consistently delivering the highest level of service while strategically sourcing to present and connect top talent to fulfil our Client’s requirement.
Whether you are a candidate in a Career transition phase or a business struggling to locate suitable profiles to fill any difficult positions – reach out and talk to our dedicated team of professionals from various career levels.
For the benefit of confidentiality, we have a secure file maintenance system and provide full benefit packages, workman’s company insurance and reduce employment cost as well
So, instead of suffering through the difficulties and uncertainties involved in hiring IT professionals, Contact us today and let us help you!